Saturday, June 23, 2012

Yardsale re-cap

Boy did God show off at our yard sale.  We were blessed beyond belief leading up to the sale.  First, our dear friends the Swistaks offered to host the sale because we knew their neighborhood and street would get more traffic than ours.  However, after seeing how large the sale got, I NEVER would have asked them to host.  They took on so much; deliveries, gathering tables, helping to advertise, setting up before 6am, selling their butts off while helping to wrangle our wild 2 yr old boys and so much more.  Thank you Thank you Swistak family!
We knew the week leading up to the sale that we had about 5 families that would be donating and we thought that was more than enough.  But, as I sit down to write thank you notes I realize that we had close to 20 families that donated their time and their "stuff".  It truly was humbling watching friends and even strangers come together for our cause.
One of the sweetest stories was a little girl who heard our story and decided she wanted to help.  Not only did she donate some of her old clothes, toys and room decor but she set up a beautiful lemonade stand and bake sale.  She was even sweet enough to let the little kids help out.

So if this isn't evidence enough that God was part of the is where we were blown away.  We needed $1250 to pay the adoption agency the week after the sale.  The total raised at the sale alone was $1254.  As one of my friends put was the money for the agency plus a Happy Meal for the kids! 

Here are some of my favorite moments of the day. Thanks Jill for thinking to help take pictures. I never want to forget this day. And, truly thank you to all who made this sale possible.

Just an idea of how much "stuff" was donated

Emi was cracking us up.  She brought binoculars to look for customers.

My sweet and talented friend Jill made these capes to sell.  Alekzander and Brooks made great marketing tools.

Marybeth had fun trying on all of the clothes! I think she might have bought as much as she donated ;)

1 comment:

  1. So fun - as much fun as a yard sale can be. Swear this story gives me goosebumps every time. yeah yeah yeah!!!
